The main part of Noisecode media platform I've recently developed is a hacked and customised keyboard which I have got from my friend, Jessika.
It consists of four parts.
part 1—standard QWERTY keyboard, which all are familiar with. It is in its usual place on my keyboard and looks just like all of them. Nothing new and surprising—you'll know what it does and how to use it.
part 2—noise key set, on far right of my customised keyboard. It has 7 keys, each coding a single shape/colour of a noise. Hitting two noise keys produces a pair of noises coding a single letter according to language currently used.
part 3—languages: three keys positioned in the top part of my keyboard should be used to change the language of Noisecode transliteration. As for now there is English, Polish and Italian coding available.
part 4—transformations column: the heart of my customised keybard. Facilitates all possible transformations supported by Noisecode application: speech to text (provided the computer has a speech recognition software installed), text to speech, text to noise, text to shapes, shapes to noise, shapes to text. This part link part 1. and part 2. together. The output always depends on the selection made in part 3. of the keyboard.