London. The City.
Financial Times called it a ‘Minefield’! and The New Economist dubbed it ‘Terra Incognita’.
Promising prospects are already in sight for the newly emerged headpod market, but there is still a long way to go before it steadies and the unwritten rules are set. For the past few years we were being given a flavour of the new, experiencing the future of sound from within the headpod. Hailed as the milestone in the development of human communications, it blitzed the market unlike any other piece of consumer electronics before. Profit from the last year’s pod sales beats expectations with the total of 3 billion Monetary Units.
Even so, London’s venture capitalists turn their eyes to a yet more lucrative opportunity ahead. Educating new users on efficient ways of using the pod means small margins, but a more sustainable and long-lasting business. In anticipation of all those, who grew up in the pre-pod world but need to stay on-line, adaptation courses are being designed.
Once the business gets going, a flood of follow-ups will fight for a share in the market. With no legal framework yet in place, we can struggle with confusion over the credibility and efficacy of the courses. One sure bet is that people talk and by word of mouth the best educators will be naturally selected. How many prospective headpod users would pay for more training, having once succeeded with their market search, is to be answered in the future.
Dotty Kultys, GNN, London.