Today I bought half a liter of white primer and half a liter of white glossy paint, and I gave the Otomixer its lovely, elaborate, bespoke colour—clear, neutral white. I decided to keep it white for several reasons:
• it is a medical appliance, therefore it needs to fit our expectations of such device;
• it is a tool of the future, and future is clean and sterile—at least in science fiction that I read;
• it is the best colour for something that does not exist (yet!);
• it will be a nice background for the glass vials with vividly colourful liquids;
• it will help focusing on what the tool does, rather than how it looks like, which is what I hope for.

The final coating of the Otomixer can be seen above. Of course I could not stop myself from spraying too much paint, which proves the old saying from my homeland right: "the very good is the worst enemy of the good"...
Tomorrow I will start mounting the glass vials on the top of the Otomixer, cleaning the jack sockets, installing 4 bumpers to the base, laser cutting the front panel and of cause installing the equaliser mechanism (this however, will not take place in the workshop due to the fact that dust might not be beneficial for electronics).